New businesses struggled to launch successfully on Amazon due to difficulties calculating profit, managing inventory across platforms, and automating key processes.
Slow, error-prone manual listing and inventory management processes.
Inadequate tools for profit and sales management.
Urgent need for automated pricing and inventory management.
Complex fee structures and expenses hindered accurate profit calculation.
Achieve real-time visibility across all locations to prevent stockouts and optimize fulfillment.
Use precise financial tools for accurate profit and loss insights.
Implement dynamic pricing tools and detailed catalog insights for data-driven decisions.
Eliminate workflow bottlenecks and reduce human errors.
Ensures competitive pricing with algorithmic adjustments to maximize profits.
Identifies high-profit items with detailed reports on sales trends and fees.
Streamlines bulk purchasing processes, reducing procurement costs, and improving efficiency.
Offers real-time insights into the financial business health, enabling data-driven decision-making.
User Research, User Interview, Competitve Analysis
User Personas, Empathy Map, User Journey
UI Flow & Animations
Coding & Tools
Feedbacks, Conclusion, Future Concept
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