Imagine relying on manual processes for creating personalized handwritten letters for bulk orders and tracking data-heavy marketing campaigns.
Relying on manual writers to create handwritten letters took time and effort.
Printing QR codes manually added to the complexity and time required for campaigns.
Tracking marketing campaigns manually was cumbersome and lacked precision.
Implement a system to automate the creation of promotional handwritten letters.
Use variable alphabets in different fonts to personalize the handwritten experience.
Streamline data fetching from Amazon and other sources for seamless information retrieval.
Provide tools for easy generation and tracking of QR codes.
Implemented a system for using different fonts to personalize handwritten letters.
Developed tools for automating the creation of promotional handwritten letters.
Integrated data fetching from Amazon for seamless information retrieval.
Provided tools for generating and tracking QR codes to measure campaign effectiveness.
User Research, User Interview, Competitve Analysis
User Personas, Empathy Map, User Journey
UI Flow & Animations
Coding & Tools
Feedbacks, Conclusion, Future Concept
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